CHURRASCO TCHÊ (1:00pm) + AGM (11:30am) – Domingo, 10 de Fevereiro 2019 | TCHÊ BBQ (1:00pm) +AGM (11:30am) – Sunday, 10th of February 2019
Churrasco Tchê (1:00pm) + AGM (11:30am) – Domingo, 10 de Fevereiro 2019
A AGM começa 11:30AM e o BBQ começa 1:00PM
LOCAL: Cora Graves Community Centre – 38 Blessington Street, St. Kilda.
Venha a participar do tradicional Churrasco TCHÊ da ABRISA. Traga sua carne e sua bebida, pois a alegria e os assadores são por conta da casa. Músicos são bem vindos para animar nosso evento social.
Churrasco Tchê (1:00pm) + AGM (11:30am) – TCHÊ BBQ +AGM – Sunday, 10th of February 2019
The AGM starts at 11:30AM and the BBQ starts at 1:00PM
ADDRESS: Cora Graves Community Centre – 38 Blessington Street, St. Kilda.
Come along and participate in the traditional ABRISA Churrasco TCHÊ. Bring your meat and drink, as the happiness and the cooking is on us. Musicians are welcome to join and introduce our vibrant music.